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*** Acne :  Acne is a type of chronic disease of the skin follicles of our body. The disease usually affects the face, neck, chest, back and upper arms. These places may have small granules, small boils, cysts and even nodules. The disease is most common on the face, especially on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.

During adolescence, the hormones testosterone and progesterone increase the secretion of sebaceous glands in the skin. When for some reason the mouth of the duct of the sebaceous gland is closed, the secretion of sebum is obstructed and it accumulates and swells inside which is known as acne. When a bacterial infection occurs on it, pus is formed. Many times they look small from the outside, but they can be quite deep. Therefore, even if the acne infection is cured, black spots may remain on the face. The disease usually affects more than 90 percent of people between the ages of 13 and 19. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated after the age of 20. Sometimes it can occur in the age group of 20 to 30 years and can last up to many years.

***** Causes of acne: Although no specific cause of acne is known, acne can be caused by puberty, heredity, digestive disturbances, alcoholism, etc. Acne is one of the most common chronic fungal infections of the skin. During adolescence, the sebaceous glands of the skin begin to secrete oil at a higher rate due to the effects of the hormones testosterone and progesterone. The way this oil comes out is faulty and the oil starts to accumulate inside the glands. At one point the gland ruptures and the oil spreads to the surrounding tissue. Then, the bacteria break down the oil and produce fatty acids in the tissues. These fatty acids cause inflammation inside the skin, resulting in granules in the skin. This is known as acne. The disease is more common in the neck, chest and back, upper arms and especially the face. These places may have small granules, abscesses, cysts or nodules.

**** Types of acne

Tropical acne which occurs on the back and thighs when there is excessive heat and high humidity.
Premenstrual acne which usually occurs in women about a week before menstruation.
Acne cosmetics that can be the result of long-term use of some cosmetics.
Acne Deterginex which can be caused by excessive use of oral soap.
Steroid acne which can be caused by taking steroid medications. The amount of acne can be further increased as a result of using this medicine for a long time.

Who is more
The disease is more common in adolescence. The disease is most common in children between the ages of 18 and 20. Many people suffer from this disease for a long time. The disease usually subsides after the age of 20. However, in some girls, the disease can be seen up to the age of 30.

Ways to get rid of acne
It is possible to get rid of acne easily by following some rules. Although acne is not caused by any particular food, but if the number of acne increases after eating any food, then that food should be omitted. Eat plenty of fruits and water. If you have acne on your face, you should not use any chemical ingredients or cosmetics, you must use natural or herbal things.

What to do if you have acne

Wash your face well with mild soap or face wash 2 to 3 times a day.
Acne can never be treated.
No cosmetics or makeup that has oily skin can be used.
The head should be kept free from dandruff.
Cannot be used in other towels.
Get enough sleep at night.
Eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins.
Drink plenty of vegetables, fruits and water.
Salty, spicy and oily foods should not be eaten.
If you have acne, do not eat pickles at all, but sweet chutney can be eaten.
Oily creams or foundations should not be used.
Do not oil your hair in such a way that your face becomes oily.
You need to protect yourself from excessive anger.
Eat more vegetarian food. On the other hand, try not to eat non-vegetarian food as much as possible.
Dairy products contain a lot of hormonal elements that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. For this reason, cheese, milk and yogurt should be eaten less.
Coal drinks should not be eaten at all.
Must be stress free.
Don't go out in the sun, avoid the sun.

Ways of prevention

Eat more vegetables.
The oiliness of the face should be reduced.
Wash your face several times a day with soap to reduce oiliness.
Eating oily foods, salty, fried foods, chocolate, ice cream and fast food should be reduced.
Once the acne is gone, the sting will not go away, the sting will become a hole. Again, germs from the hands and nails infect the acne and the acne turns into boils.
You have to wipe your face with a towel, you have to wash it repeatedly and keep it clean.
If the bran is ripe or more, you must seek medical attention.
Steroid ointments can no longer be used as a remedy for acne. This causes damage to the skin and the use of steroid ointments can cause reverse acne.
Acne mainly affects people in the area of ​​acne. Among these, punch scar remover, dermabrasion, scar elevation etc. can be used to remove holes and blemishes and bring the facial skin back to normal.

Medical system
There are many types of acne treatment. If you have acne, you must consult a doctor. If left untreated for a long time, acne can cause serious skin damage and deep inflammation of the skin


*** Acidity: The problem of acidity occurs when the acid or acid formed from the stomach rises to the top. Then all of a sudden your throat or chest is burning, your face is sour, your tongue is bitter - you can understand these problems. But there are some habits that can free you from these. Take a look at:

1. Some foods increase the problem of acidity. Such as fatty foods, spicy foods, more onions, garlic, mint, tea-coffee, chocolate. This type of food should be avoided if you have heartburn.

2. This problem is more when you play full. Those who have problems with acidity can eat small amounts throughout the day. Eat with the stomach slightly empty. Then the food will be digested quickly. Make it a habit to chew slowly and well while not rushing while eating.


Even taking a variety of medications can cause acidity problems. Painkillers can exacerbate the problem. So it is better to take medicine with the advice of a doctor.


Do not lie down after eating. If you lie down immediately after eating, the acid may push upwards. Eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime. By then the food will be digested.

One more thing, take a short walk after eating.

5. It is better not to do heavy work or hard work after eating. Light walking can continue.

But not heavy exercise at all.

. Many people drink bottled carbonated drinks to reduce acidity. This temporarily reduces the acidity.

However, this type of drink may cause more acidity in the future.

. Get up in the morning and do a little walk or yoga. Your digestion will increase.

Maybe you won't get rid of this problem quickly. But if this habit continues, you will gradually get rid of acidity.
*** Symptoms of acidity:  Symptoms of acidity
Excessive or unbalanced acid production in the stomach, pain or burning sensation in the upper abdomen, heartburn, gas, nausea, sour belching, bad breath, flatulence, loss of appetite, feeling full after playing, weight loss, back and chest pain Gets published
**** Things to do: Ways to prevent acidity:

1. There is no substitute for taking food at the right time, you have to take food at the right time to stay away from the problem of acidity.

2. It cannot be eaten by filling the stomach at once.

3. Adequate amount of pure water should be drunk.

4. Excessive sugary foods should be avoided.

5. Eat fresh food.

6. It is better not to eat frozen food as much as possible.

7. Exercise regularly to keep the body free of toxins.

8. Must sleep properly, must be free from human stress.

9. Heal dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime.

10. It is not advisable to lie down while eating, make it a habit to walk a little.

11. Say no to excess weight.

12. Must refrain from smoking and drugs.

13. Food made in unclean environment and outside food should be removed from your food list.

14. Excess oil and spicy foods should not be eaten.

15. Do not drink water immediately after eating oily food, drink water at least 30 minutes later.

16. Heavy meals such as meat, biryani, Chinese should be included in the morning or lunch menu without eating at night.

17. Stale, rotten food should not be eaten.

18. Fiber-rich foods that act as laxatives and block gas production should be eaten regularly.

**** Some words:

Where there are problems, there are solutions. If you follow the rules with patience for a while, you can get rid of acidity.

1. Make your own meal time routine.

2. Avoid outside and televaja food.

3. Eat home-cooked food as much as possible.

4. Drink water before meals, do not drink water repeatedly during meals and drink water shortly after eating.

5. Avoid extra spicy foods.

6. You can take some natural ways. For example, you can chew with two long mouths so that its juice goes to the stomach; You can eat basil leaves with juice (5-6 hours daily). Mint leaf juice can also be used to relieve acidity and indigestion.

7. Cold milk releases acidity by regulating gastric acid in the stomach. Milk contains Ca which binds to the formation of acid in the stomach.

8. Drink enough pure water, you can drink coconut water.
9. Do not take tea, coffee, cola on an empty stomach.

10. Avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol.
11. Avoid taking painkillers (NASIDs) everywhere.

12. Slowly chew good food.

13. Eat easily digestible, balanced and fibrous food.

14. Exercise regularly and get enough sleep and forget about bad habits.

Remember that today's slight acidity can lead to complex diseases such as peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer or stomach cancer in the future. So follow a few simple rules and live a healthy and beautiful life.


1. What is sinusitis: Sinus is an important organ of the body. This organ of the body basically helps in air circulation. This problem occurs when the nasal bone is curved. Sinusitis is also caused by allergies. Doctors can understand this problem only if the X-ray shows the sinus area as cloudy. It is very important to consult a doctor for such problems. However, headache does not mean sinusitis. The pain of sinusitis is a little different. Sinusitis can be easily distinguished from other pains. The number of hollow spaces inside the bones of our face is called sinus. If there is a sore or inflammation in the sinuses for any reason, it is called sinusitis. Sinusitis is a very complex problem. It can happen at any age. Sinusitis causes headaches, runny nose, etc.

2. Causes of sinusitis: It can affect people of all ages. However, young adults are more. May be due to some viral infections. May be due to bacterial infection. Again some may be for mechanical abstraction. Such as: curved nasal bones, increased nasal flesh. If the drainage in any sinus is not properly, then this disease can occur. Sinusitis can be caused by diseases of teeth, eyes, nose. Sinusitis can also be caused by bacteria, viruses or allergies.
Signs and symptoms of the disease

    Sinusitis is a severe headache. Less in the morning, the intensity of pain increases in the afternoon and decreases slightly in the afternoon
    The intensity of the pain is further increased by moving the head, walking or lowering the head
    There is a feeling of fever, nothing feels good and a little tired
    The nose is closed. On examination, pus can be found inside the nose
    X-rays of the sinuses make the sinuses look cloudy.

** Sinus infections

    If there is a nasal allergy, if the nasal bone is crooked, if something enters the outside of the nose and if the adenoids (tonsils behind the nose) are enlarged
    Sinus infections can also be caused by a dental infection or while picking teeth
    This problem can occur even if the sinus bone ruptures
    If you jump into dirty water, that water can enter the sinuses through the nose and create such problems
    In addition, malnutrition, air pollution and cold damp weather are more prevalent in this disease.

** Complications of sinusitis

Because the sinuses are located next to the eyes and brain, sinus infections can also cause complications to the eyes and brain. E.g.

    Orbital cellulitis and abscess or infection inside the eye.
    Meningitis or inflammation of the membranes of the brain.
    Extradural and subdural abscesses.
    Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the scalp).
    Cavernous sinus thrombosis etc.

So it is seen that sinusitis can cause infection in the eye and damage the eye, while infection in the head can lead to meningitis and even serious complications like brain abscess.
How to fertilize

If you feel that you have a headache due to sinusitis, you should seek the advice of a nose, ear and throat specialist as soon as possible. In the early stages, antibiotics, antihistamines, nasal drops and painkillers are used as per the doctor's advice. If the disease is not cured with medication, a sinus wash or a larger operation may be needed.

*** Some words: Sinusitis problem is very effective hot water vapor. As a result, mucus comes out easily. So if you mix a little salt in hot water and take steam twice a day, you can get rid of this problem. It is also possible to control sinusitis problem by eating one clove of garlic every day. If you have this problem outside the house, try to drink hot tea, coffee or soup without sugar after a while. Drinking hot liquids dilutes mucus and clears it easily. Drink plenty of water if you have sinusitis problems. The mucus becomes thinner when playing with water. As a result, it will gradually leave the body. So if you have problems with sinusitis, keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day.


1.What is a migraine: a type of headache. Although it is famous to be on one side of the head, it has been seen to be on both sides. People who are prone to migraines may experience recurrent severe headaches due to changes in sound, light, odor, air pressure and certain foods such as chocolate, grape juice, cheese, etc. However, migraine is not just a headache, it is accompanied by a few other neurological symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea or vomiting, or difficulty in looking at the light. Migraine causes tons of headaches - many times the pain is on one side of the head. Migraines usually start suddenly. However, some people already know that.

2. Types of migraines

Migraines can be divided into several ways. Such as: classical, common, ophthalmoplegic, bacillary artery, hemiplegic, physioplegic migraine etc. Classical and common migraines are more common.

3. Causes of migraines

There are many reasons why migraines can occur. E.g.

A) Hereditary or genetic.

B) Anxiety / instability.

C) Birth control pills.

D) Environmental impact.

These four factors are the main ones. In addition, some other factors may affect. Such as -

E) Chocolate.

F) Cheese.

G) Alcoholism.

H) Soft drinks.

I) During the period.

J) Extreme heat, extreme cold.

K) Staying in front of computer monitor and TV for a long time.

L) Working in excess or low light.

Hormonal changes

Some women may have migraines during menstruation. This may be due to changes in hormone levels during menstruation. This type of migraine usually occurs within two to three days before the onset of menstruation. Some women only get migraines at this time. However, most affected women also have it at other times.

Psychological reasons

Mental Migraines That Can Start


Physical reasons

Physical causes that can cause migraines:

    Not getting a good night's sleep
    Working in shifts
    Neck or shoulder pain
    Decreased blood sugar
    Exercise hard, if you are not used to it

Dietary factors

Dietary causes that can cause migraines:

    Not playing on time or all at once
    If the body is dehydrated
    Caffeine, such as tea or coffee
    Eats certain foods, such as chocolate, cheese or citrus fruits (lemon)

*** Migraine problems should be mentioned:

1) Those who have this disease, they need at least 8 hours of sleep daily.

2) Coffee, chocolate, cheese, soft drinks, alcohol should be avoided.

3) Can't stay without eating for a long time.

4) Other methods should be adopted without using birth control pills.

5) Hard work, stress, long travel should be avoided.

6) Do not work in excess or low light.

6) Avoid strong sun or severe cold.

6) Do not stay in a loud and noisy environment for a long time.

9) Do not stay in front of the computer monitor and TV for a long time.
Foods that prevent migraine problems

1) Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D: sesame, flour, beets

2) Magnesium rich food: Dhemki Chhata rice, potato, barley

3) Green, yellow and orange vegetables

4) Herbal tea, such as green tea

5) Ginger juice or pieces

6) Dates and figs

***** Tips:
Medicine is not just medicine. This includes following the rules and being aware. At the onset of headache, paracetamol, aspirin, diclofenac-like drugs, metocloropromide, domperidone-like drugs are given to reduce nausea. Pseudoephedrine, amitriptyline, beta-blocker drugs are effective in reducing recurrent migraine attacks. A new study has found out about the effectiveness of vitamin B. Not all headaches are migraines. In that case it is important to diagnose the disease first. Therefore, if you have any symptoms, seek medical attention. Get proper migraine treatment and stay healthy.


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