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about back pain health beauty tips back pain

backpain health beauty

about back pain

1.What is back pain: Pain can occur from neck to waist for any reason. Which is called ‘back pain’. It can happen at any age. There are many reasons for this.

2. Why Bake Pain Occurs: Eating extra meat can cause back pain because meat has a high protein content. Excess protein increases the amount of uric acid in the body. When uric acid accumulates in the joints of the body, various nodules become swollen and painful. This is known as arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Different types of arthritis as well as ‘back pain’ due to lack of calcium can be seen. 35 Perno women are at higher risk of back pain. There are several reasons behind this. Such as hormonal changes in the body, inclined work, maternity time, lifting heavy things, lack of nutrition. In addition, even if the immune system is weakened, back pain can occur. Calcium deficiency results in pain in various joints in the body of older people. Pain in the waist and neck can be seen due to removal of the lumbar spine, bone loss or growth in the spine, weight gain, various types of arthritis. Commonly seen are back pain due to spinal muscles, ligament sprains or partial tears, disc problems between two vertebrae, changes in vertebral position. This pain is caused by movement, lifting too much weight or weight, excessive movement of the spine, doing any work while sitting or standing continuously, injury to the spine, and above all due to the positional error of the waist.

3. Symptoms of back pain: There are many symptoms of back pain such as:

* It feels uncomfortable to move.
* The pain spreads to the legs.
* Difficulty in urinating and defecating.
* Severe pain in the back and waist.
* Many times the legs feel tingling.
* It hurts to sit or stand.
* May cause nausea.
* Fever may come.
* Loss of waist and pelvic floor muscles.

4. Caution in back pain: The following precautions must be followed:

* Do not bend or bend the waist
* Do not lie on your back
* Do not lift anything on the neck.
* Do not stand too much.
* If you want to stand for a long time, take the weight of the body from one leg to the other after a while.
* Sit up straight.
* Do not sit on a soft mattress or spring sofa or chair.
* Sit in such a way that the thighs are parallel to the ground.
* Do not sleep on broken beds, foam or spring beds.
* If you want to stand for a long time, take the weight of the body from one leg to the other after a while.
* Sit with both hands on the floor and keep your feet on the floor.
* Support the back of the waist.

5. Remedy for back pain

Pharmacotherapy: - Physicians usually prescribe painkillers, muscle relaxants and sedatives after various tests. Since the medicine has side effects or specific doses, the medicine should be taken as per the advice of a specialist doctor.

Physiotherapy: - The modern treatment for back pain is physiotherapy. In this treatment, the doctor provides the patient with electromagnetic radiation, ultrasound therapy, lumbar traction, shortwave diathermia, ultraviolet rays, electric nerve and muscle stimulator, auto manual traction, various hydrothermos.

Surgery: - If the patient's condition does not change even after a long period of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy treatment, the doctors advise the patient to undergo lumbar spine surgery according to the condition.

6. Some words: What kind of exercise is good to avoid back pain. Studies have shown that exercises that can increase the flexibility of the human body, maintain the correct posture of the body, increase fitness and increase the strength of their back and core muscles are beneficial for back pain. Not only on the back, in this case, is the exercise of the hands and feet also important. However, it is not possible to say exactly how much time to exercise. The study participants usually exercised with the group 2-3 times a week and also exercised at home. They continued this exercise for eight weeks to 18 months. If you stop exercising, the risk of back pain will be less for a year. It is important to continue exercising to reduce the risk of permanent back pain.


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